General Information About Me

❀ My name is Skylar, nickname Sky- but you're free to call me whatever you like, as long as I know I'm being addressed and it's not a slur or anything❀ My pronouns are she/they!! I prefer they/them, but I don't really care THAT much. In descriptors use either feminine or neutral terms. NO NEOPRONOUNS PLEASE. I'll respect them if you use them but I do not at all identify with them❀ I am a Caucasian adult born in 2005 (don't feel like changing my age every year, so do some math)
I don't mind interacting with minors but please do state that you are underage so I can behave accordingly!!
❀ I am on the Autism spectrum. I have no solid unchanging special interest, but I do have long-lasting hyperfixations. I tend to use tonetags over text and will often ask people to elaborate about intended tone, please keep that in mind when interacting with me❀ I am visually impaired though not to the point one would consider blindness. It can, however, not be corrected fully and thus I struggle at times with accessibility

I create mostly fanart and sometimes original art which I post on both Tumblr and Twitter.
My typical posting schedule is two artworks per week, Tuesday and Friday at 8:30 PM CEST. Sometimes other artworks will be posted at random.

I publish fanfiction on both AO3 and Wattpad, those being the same fics.
I do not have a consistent posting schedule for this and am infamously slow at updating, but I don't abandon works without notice, at least

About Engaging With My Content

❀ I will always reply to comments left on my works, be it in tags or outright replies❀ I tend to not really scroll through other people's posts, so my feed/dashboard will be mostly my own content❀ I am open and welcoming to requests! Sometimes I will outright ask for requests, but even when I have not asked you can (politely) inquire about a certain concept to me through both DMs and public replies

Don't Do This

❀ Spam request certain content: This will guarantee that I shall deny the request, no matter what I think of the concept you brought up❀ Search for me on platforms that aren't listed in this carrd and/or on any of my accounts: If you want my Discord etc. ASK ME and I'll decide whether or not to give it to you❀ Give me unwarranted criticism on my writing and/or art, especially when voiced in a non-constructive way: I'm doing this to have fun, not to be the best at it, or to specifically cater to youAny violations of the above have a decent chance at getting you blocked!!

❀ Commission me via Social Media DMs ❀
Last Updated: May 2024
Check out Social Media for the most recent art examples

❀ Commission me via Social Media DMs ❀